Theft prevention measures often go unusedWhile most homeowners have some type of theft prevention measure installed – like a home security system or deadbolts – almost one-third don’t use them.

A survey from Nationwide Insurance found that:

  • 79 percent of homeowners have at least one theft prevention measure installed, but 3 in 10 do not use them regularly, inviting unnecessary risk.
  • 20 percent of homeowners who have alarm systems as their theft prevention measure do not activate them during the day, when most thefts occur.
  • 1 out of 4 say that they have left their front door unlocked when the house was unoccupied at least one time in the past year.
  • More than one-third say they leave ground-floor windows unlocked.
  • Of adults between the ages of 18 to 34, over 40 percent say they post social media photos or updates when they are on vacation.
  • 3 out of 10 homeowners hide a spare key outside their home.

The Harris Interactive survey was taken of 1,005 Americans with a homeowners or condo insurance policy.

FBI estimates show that there were nearly 2.2 million home burglaries annually, an increase of about 1 percent from the year prior. The thieves already know this information and are taking advantage of it. Train everyone in your family on the proper use of your already-installed theft prevention measures, and take some time to determine how to improve your home security.

For more information or to examine how your homeowner’s, condo, or renter’s insurance policy protects you from theft, please contact Mountain Lakes Insurance and speak to one of our experienced and professional agents. Did you know that theft prevention measures installed in your home may help you reduce the cost of your insurance? Ask us about the availability of anti-theft discounts.

Adapted from Insurance Journal.

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