Insights @ MLI

Friday, February 21 – 8am-5pm Arbor Day 2014 in Woodstock

Think Spring! And celebrate Arbor Day 2014 in Woodstock by picking up free seedlings and tree care guides. The City of Woodstock will be giving away 800 free seedlings - Nuttall Oak, Crape Myrtle, Dogwood, and Red Maples. A free booklet with instructions on caring for...

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What to do when you have frozen water pipes

With bitter cold temperatures in the Atlanta area, you need to be prepared. Hopefully, it doesn't happen to you, but you should still know what to do when you have frozen water pipes.   No water or only a trickle... Here are some techniques for thawing frozen...

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Maria Leach, Guest Blogger Remove Barriers to Resolutions

It’s easy to come up with New Year’s Resolutions but sticking with them is another story.  I know, you’ve heard it before, but you have to have a plan.  I think the most important element in achieving your resolutions is to remove the barriers for each goal along with...

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Santa Claus arrives at Woodstock Visitors Center

Santa Claus will be visiting the Woodstock Visitors Center  this Saturday, December 14 from 1pm to 2pm. Santa's visit is sponsored by the Bank of North Georgia. This is the perfect chance to visit with Santa before Christmas. It's FREE to take a picture with Santa,...

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Contact Us

(770) 926-9444

8744 Main St Suite 301 Woodstock, GA 30188-4901

M-F: 9am-5pm, S-S: Closed